Chemical Department


The course of diploma of associate engineer (DAE) in chemical Technology, revolves around the managing the behaviour of the materials and chemical reactions predicting their compositions. The students learn about the flows, temperature and pressure of solids, liquids and gases. They learn about chemical, biological and physical processes using chemical equations as well as equipment and techniques used in the industry. Academic staff in the department takes creative and imaginative approach to teaching, supplementing lectures with hands-on laboratory practical exercises and student presentations. The chemical process industries in Pakistan are expanding and actively recruiting associate engineers in large numbers. The range of career opportunities for chemical engineers is immense and career choices exist in areas such as chemicals, fertilizer, pharmaceuticals, food, detergents, cement, paints, petrochemicals, rubber and plastics.


Chemical Engineering Lab-I & II

Unit Operation Lab


Program offer

  • B.Sc. Engineering Technology

  • DAE

  • Course Outline